Kasmir Fabrics
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Kasmir Fabrics analyzes the market constantly. By staying abreast of current consumer tastes, as well as future trends, we are able to provide fabrics and custom made products that are on the cutting edge of home fashions. Combine fashion and mid-range price points with in-depth color lines, and you have the winning combination that separates Kasmir from other fabric companies.
Fabrics and Bedding: Fabrics/Soft Goods

THER·A·PEDIC® Mattress
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Therapedic quality engineering is so advanced, we dare you to compare our unique premium bedding benefits and features with any other leading brand. These features are so unique, they have been awarded patents by the U.S. Government and around the world. And earned the prestigious Mattress Design Award. Enjoy extra support and comfort...at no extra cost. Therapedic means quality and value you can trust. So innovative...we protect you with the world's strongest bedding warranty.
Fabrics and Bedding: Linens, Mattresses, Pillows

Restonic® Mattress
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Restonic has been an integral part of the bedding industry for over sixty years -a significant milestone achieved by very few mattress companies. We've had a longstanding tradition of researching, developing and engineering the highest quality sleep products.
Fabrics and Bedding: Mattresses